Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Body shaming - My Opinion

When most people think of body shaming they think of over weight people. That isn't true! Body shaming can come from all shapes and sizes, it is just the fact that those with a little bit more are told a lot more about their weight.
Body shaming can be from those who are really thin and cant gain weight and yes some do hate their body and yes some love theirs. But body shaming isn't just for those with a little more it can be those who are normal or have less.

The thing I find with weight and being able to accept the way you are can be hard. I know it can be hard, I personally have struggled with my weight and no I wouldn't say I was really over weight but I wouldn't say I was thin. Yes it's easy for people to tell others your beautiful, your not fat, your perfect. But the person who's body it is may not feel the same. I struggle with accepting myself and my weight a lot of the time, I still am coming to terms with the way I am and I believe it takes time for an individual to accept themselves. I often cry about the way I am and the way I feel because to others I may seem confident in myself but deep down I have doubts and I am slowly coming to love myself and I think this is down to reading other peoples story's and hearing how they dealt with their own struggles.

I think its common in young people to not love themselves and I believe this is down to the media and how they portray women. Magazines, TV shows, adverts. They use models who are thin and to the girls who have a bit more it feels horrible. To us it feels like we have to be like that, we have to see through out thighs, we have to have a flat stomach to be pretty and wear nice clothes, we have to look like the Victoria secret models. But we don't. The media shows us this image of a "perfect body" the one we must all look like to feel beautiful, but nobody's perfect. Its like a bright coloured flower you'd say it was beautiful, even if It was missing a metal it would still be beautiful. Then why cant people been seen like that. Those who have a bit more, a bit less weight are beautiful. Those who have a disability are beautiful, a different skin colour! Beautiful. Everyone is unique like snowflakes they individual and beautiful just like everyone of us. And I think the media needs to stop showing us what we should look like and show us what we do look like. Use plus size models, those who are thin, those with disabilities. Show the world we are all beautiful in our own way and show us that we can be comfortable with the way we look the amount we way and stop showing us what we need to look like. The media can be horrible but until we make a change it will stay.

So if you are ready this and your not completely happy with yourself I just want you to know your beautiful, unique, strong and confident and that's how you should be, be you because you are you!